
Dear Friends and Colleagues 2020 – hmmm…. where do we start?   Undeniably, it was a year like no other. Our plans were cancelled. Our lives were changed. And despite all of the obstacles thrown in our way (homeschooling, mask-wearing warriors), we all moved forward. Think of it...

 When she started college, Kayla Walter “had no idea what a financial planner or financial advisor was.” Sure, friends and family knew that Kayla was majoring in Finance, but when she said, “I want to be a CFP®,” they often asked, “What’s that?” Fortunately, Kayla...

They smashed the glass ceiling, back when financial advising was almost exclusively a white man’s business. Now, industry pioneers Margaret Starner and Lynne Wright are being recognized for their leadership in gender diversity...

Change isn’t easy. But it is the one constant in life. Recently, WLA President Kalita Blessing attended the virtual JP Morgan Women’s Leadership Day, designed to foster diversity and inclusivity in financial services and the world we live in. Click here for some inspiring takeaways from the event.