What’s Your Mental Picture of a Financial Advisor?

What’s Your Mental Picture of a Financial Advisor?

Find Your Passion

 When she started college, Kayla Walter “had no idea what a financial planner or financial advisor was.” Sure, friends and family knew that Kayla was majoring in Finance, but when she said, “I want to be a CFP®,” they often asked, “What’s that?” Fortunately, Kayla took the time to research the profession that’s become her passion.

Not for Men Only

 Like Kayla, Sarah Broglie, CFP® admits that she “didn’t know financial planning existed.” After learning more about the business, Sarah’s perception – that financial advisors are older males – quickly changed. “This is a great career for someone who’s interested in helping others,” she reports. “It’s a great fit for a lot of people…just like me.”

Back Off, “Finance Bros”!

 Katherine O’Leary was surrounded by what she calls “Finance Bros” in college: “The guys who were sitting in the front of the class…talking like they were already the biggest broker on Wall Street.” She later realized that “the people I was in class with are not the people that I have encountered” in her job as a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™.

The “Path” to Success

 Wondering if a career as a financial advisor might be right for you? Take our quiz!

Michelle Danielson
[email protected]

Michelle brings nearly 20 years of experience in the financial services industry to the role of executive director of the WLA. She began her career at Northwestern Mutual Insurance, then joined Raymond James as a branch operations manager where she spent seven years overseeing the branch’s operations and compliance activity.